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Our Corporate Services Department can ensure that your company is in full compliance with annual filing requirements applicable to all limited liability companies by providing a competent and experienced Company Secretary to administer the company's official duties. Our company secretarial services include filing statutory returns, completion of share transfers or changes in directors and revising/updating of your company's Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Our Corporate Services Division performs professional company secretarial duties for Malta companies, including:
- drafting resolutions;
- preparation of Minutes of the Board of Directors and Shareholders;
- effecting changes in the Board of Directors and Shareholders;
- making amendments to the company's constitutive documents;
- maintenance of the company's statutory records;
- timely preparation and lodgement of requisite annual forms and returns with the Registry of Companies;
- submission of the audited accounts to the Malta Registry of Companies and the Inland Revenue Department as required by Maltese Law;
- issue and authenticate any necessary company documents.
Costs and Fees
Our company formation forms package and our Schedule of Fees for company formation and annual maintenance fees are available on request.
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