Our Estate Management team specializes in the implementation and administration of corporate, trust, and fiduciary structures, in addition to providing a range of supplementary estate management services.
Our firm’s seasoned Estate Management team specialises in implementing and administering corporate, trust and fiduciary structures. Our team works hand in hand with other practices within the firm in order to provide ancillary services on private residence and relocation solutions in Malta.
Estate Management Services in Malta
Fiduciary services in Malta can only be offered by companies specifically authorised to provide fiduciary and trustee services. There are many reasons why a person would want to hold shares in companies through an authorised Malta fiduciary, the most common ones being confidentiality vis-a-vis competitors and family members. Ownership of the shares still rests with the ultimate beneficial owners and therefore full control over the Malta structure is still retained.
Malta has become one of the most stable jurisdictions in which to establish trusts, whether inter vivos or testamentary and foundations. Such entities are generally opted for to preserve family-owned businesses or family heirlooms from art collections to historical buildings. Chetcuti Cauchi has fifteen years of experience in working in the field of asset protection and estate management. Trusts and foundations set up in Malta may also benefit from favourable tax treatment. Our team is composed of lawyers, accountants and tax advisors, bringing together the strategic mix of skills and experience necessary for the running of a high-calibre trust and fiduciary operation whilst maintaining the levels of personalised services our clients have become used to expect.
Licensed Trustee
Chetcuti Cauchi’s trust company, Claris Trustees and Fiduciaries Ltd, is an authorised trustee and foundation administrator, approved by Malta’s regulator, the Malta Financial Services Authority, and is today one of Malta’s foremost fiduciary companies in the local and international scenario.
Malta trusts and foundations benefit from favourable tax treatment therefore our Estate Management lawyers will advice you on the best ways to make the most of Malta’s advantageous tax system. Our Estate Management professionals give personal attention to clients' requests coupled with tax advice and prompt service that is only available at a boutique set up like ours. The integration of personal and business issues is high on the priority list of our trustees and advisors when they are working hand in hand with clients to find the best possible solution for client's estate planning needs.
Malta Trusts involve an obligation to act for the benefit of the patrimony of a person who has placed trust in another person to carry out such obligation without the intervention of personal interest. Our Estate Management specialists at Chetcuti Cauchi place significant importance on confidentiality, integrity and quality, and enjoy a proven track record of success in the field.
Malta trusts may own any type of asset including real estate, cash at bank, yachts, but perhaps the most important function is that of holding shares in companies, whether registered in Malta or outside of Malta. Our Estate Management professionals analyse the requirements of each case and give clear advice on the implications of settling of shares in Malta companies in Malta trusts or holding them through fiduciary shareholding, having long-standing experience in providing tax and estate planning advice.
The role of trustee for a client's business and family is the natural evolution of a trusted lawyer-client relationship which can only come about if a trustee is truly committed to becoming familiar and knowledgeable of the client's family affairs, their business and their tax and backgrounds. The combination of this knowledge, together with the lawyer’s specialised expertise of tax, estate planning, trust and probate matters makes our Estate Management lawyers uniquely qualified to provide comprehensive fiduciary services.
Setting up of a Malta Asset Preservation Vehicle
Chetcuti Cauchi sets up and manages the establishment and administration of Malta trusts, Malta foundations, Malta associations and other asset holding, asset management and asset preservation vehicles. Through our several specialised practice groups, we are well-placed to provide holistic advisory and support services in connection with a variety of disciplines including international law, international tax and finance, advising on any contentious issues arising out of the investment in and administration of such an entity.
Chetcuti Cauchi’s dedicated Estate planning team offers excellent tax-planning, corporate and fiduciary services. We specialise in implementing and administering corporate, trust and fiduciary structures and provide additional advice on private residence and relocation solutions to Malta.
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