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180 Malta Nomad Residence Permit Applications in 6 Months


The Malta Nomad Residence Permit launched in June 2021 has proven to be a very successful initiative to attract non-European digital nomads to reside and work from Malta.


The Malta Nomad Residence Permit which was launched by the Residency Malta Agency in June 2021 has received 180 applications from non-EU nationals seeking to apply for a temporary residence permit, granting the right to temporarily reside in Malta whilst working remotely using technological means. Malta is very attractive to foreign migration and has created a large expat community of individuals applying under various programmes such as the Malta Nomad Residence Permit and the Malta Permanent Residence Programme.  

The Parliamentary Secretary responsible for Immigration in Malta announced in a press conference that the majority of applicants are men and originate from the United Kingdom and the United States of America, with the average age of applicants being thirty-seven (37). The CEO of the Residency Malta Agency also confirmed that the majority of applicants have an average income of €60,000 annually and have a university degree resulting in Malta attracting good quality applicants who are contributing to the local economy.

Malta Nomad Residence Permit Requirements

To qualify for the Malta Nomad Residence Permit, applicant must give evidence that they fall under one of three categories: 

  • Be employed with an employer registered in a foreign country and have an employment contract, or
  • Conduct business activities for a company registered outside of Malta and which the applicant is a shareholder or a partner, or
  • Offer freelance or consulting services to clients established permanently in a foreign country.

In addition, applicants must also receive a gross monthly income of €2,700. 

As per the latest statistics, most applicants are employed, followed by self-employed and tailed by freelancers.  Through this programme, Malta is attracting new ideas, skills and talented individuals who are seeing Malta as a hub for remote working with a good internet infrastructure and pleasant weather.  



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