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Brexit's Latest Defeat

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On the 14th February 2019, the House of Commons voted against the amendments to the Brexit plan, indicating further uncertainty on the way forward. Whilst talks are still going, the deadline to avoid a no-deal Brexit is pressing on.


On the 14th February, the House of Commons voted against a symbolic motion which would amend the Prime Minister’s approach to resolve the Brexit deadlock. Although this was a non-binding defeat, many thought this vote was going to be quite a straightforward approval. This defeat, however, brought about arguments that the UK is getting closer to a no-deal exit. 

Brexit - The UK’s Approach

With the original Brexit deal being rejected with a record majority, the Prime Minister, since then, has been trying to persuade the EU to make changes to the most controversial parts of the withdrawal agreement, mainly the Backstop guarantee for Irish borders.  However, as the deadline fast approaches, it is seen that the Pro-Brexit MPs want the backstop agreement to be completely taken out of the agreement, whilst the EU leaders are unwilling to change the text of the agreement. 

Preparing for Brexit 

Many have discussed what the possible way forward is, keeping in mind that in two weeks’ time all MPs from the House of Commons will be voting on the significant outstanding issues. Many are arguing for the extension of the 29th March deadline, as well as the discussion to keep a no-deal exit off the table. 
Post-Brexit agreements are already seeing period of economic uncertainty, however the biggest threat to local businesses in the UK at the moment is the possibility of a no-deal Brexit. Our recorded webinars have delved into how businesses can prepare for the post-Brexit world whilst maintaining relations with the rest of Europe. Click here to register and watch our webinars!


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