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Chetcuti Cauchi hosts 2018 European Immigration Lawyers Meeting

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Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates hosts European Immigration Lawyers Network (EILN) Annual Conference at Chetcuti Cauchi's main office in Valletta, Malta.


On June 1, Immigration Practitioners from five EU states gathered in Malta to share perspectives and hold discussions on post-Brexit residency and citizenship rights.

Hosted by Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates at its headquarters in Valletta and moderated by its managing partner Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, the conference brought together lawyers, academics and policymakers to reflect on the consequences of Brexit for EU citizens in the UK and British nationals in the EU.

The event was held as part of the 17th annual meeting of the EILN, a network of European immigration law firms, established back in 2000 as a platform for exchanging information and sharing best practices on citizenship and residency law. Apart from the discussion itself, international guests were also guided around the architectural and historical gems of Valletta, the European Capital of Culture 2018.
-  Dr. Jean Philippe Chetcuti, Global Managing Partner & Founder

The event was opened by a key note speech from Dr Ivan Sammut, Head and Senior lecturer of European & Comparative Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Malta. A panel followed with discussion about selected national perspectives on Brexit by various EU countries. Dr Antoine Saliba Haig, senior lawyer at Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates shared his views from a Malta perspective while Spain's stance was delivered by Mr Andreas de Ceballo, partner at Ceballos Abogados.

Other speakers at the event included British High Commissioner to Malta, Stuart Gill OBE, who gave an overview of the current state of play in the UK regarding the position of EU nationals living in or coming to the EU after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Viewpoints from this perspective were also offered by Ms Elspeth Guild, Jean Monnet Professor ad personam at Queen Mary University of London and Kim Vowden, legal associate at Kingsley Napley LLP in London.

Mr Marley Morris, lead researcher on Brexit at IPPR think tank (UK), discussed the free movement of workers and the continued ability of EU nationals to enter, reside and work in the EU after Brexit and any transitional period, subject to national law unless otherwise negotiated. Mr Nick Rollason, partner at Kingsley Napley LLP continued the discussion by delivering options which are currently under consideration and debated whereas EU students wishing to study in the UK in the future will or not be subject to UK visa rules and the application of higher tuition fees currently applicable to third country nationals.

About EILN

The European Immigration Lawyers Network was established to meet the needs of business and economic EU citizens from a multi-disciplinary approach. The Network is made up of European law firms with a high reputation for providing legal advise to immigration clients whose immigration needs expand to more than one European state even where those needs extend east or northward in Europe.  

Press: Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates hosts European Immigration Lawyers

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