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Chetcuti Cauchi Seminar on Investing in Malta

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Malta High Commission, Malta House, Piccadilly, London

Chetcuti Cauchi hosts a breakfast briefing at the Malta House, Piccadilly, London under the auspices of the Malta High Commissioner. Chetcuti Cauchi lawyers will provide an overview of Maltese immigration and citizenship law, tax planning and efficient structuring opportunities for business and wealth using Malta.


The Malta Immigration, Citizenship Law & Wealth Structuring Seminar will treat the programmes provided under Maltese law for individuals and families to take up residence in Malta, including the Global Residence Program, the Retirement Programme and HNWI Programme. The seminar will also deal with the opportunities for structuring wealth using Malta.  

The seminar, hosted by the Malta High Commission at Malta House in Piccadilly, invites Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, a leading tax and immigration law specialist.

Event Programme:

0900 - Registration and Breakfast

0920 - Opening Address by Malta's High Commissioner

0930 - Overview of Maltese Immigration & Citizenship Law

  • The Definition of Residence & Domicile under Maltese Law
  • Malta Tax Implications of Residence & Domicile
  • Special Tax Status Residence legislation:
    • The Retirement Programme Rules, 2012
    • The Global Residence Programme Rules, 2013
    • Ordinary Residence & EU Freedom of Movement
  • Citizenship legislation in Malta:
    • The Citizenship Act, 1964,
    • Dual Citizenship,
    • Citizenship by Naturalisation
    • Individual Investor Programme

1015 - Registration and Coffee

1030 -  Business & Wealth Planning Using Malta

  • Corporate Taxation in Malta
  • Holding Companies, Trusts & Foundations
  • Professional Investor Funds

1115 - Q&A Session

1130 - Coffee


Malta High Commission
Malta House
36-38 Piccadilly
London W1J 0LE
United Kingdom

For security reasons, only registered guests will be admitted to join the seminar. Upon arrival at  Malta House, all guests must show a valid photo ID in order to be able to collect their badge and access the event.  Anyone not registered or without photo ID will not be able to attend.  Also please note that name badges must be worn and displayed at all times whilst at Malta House.

Wealth Planning using Malta

Malta offers a number of opportunities for the structuring and management of wealth using Maltese trusts or Malta Companies.  More about .

The  (GRP) allows non-EU nationals to obtain a permanent residence permit on the basis of an investment in or rental of property in Malta. As residence non-doms, residence permit holders benefit from Malta's remittance basis of taxation and special tax status taxable at a flat rate of 15% tax on remitted income only.

The allows good standing individuals and families to acquire Maltese citizenship on basis of a contribution to the National Development Fund.

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