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China Offshore Summit - Beijing

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Chetcuti Cauchi will be attending and sponsoring the China Offshore Summit in Beijing which will be held on the 29th and 30th of May 2013.



Chetcuti Cauchi will be attending and sponsoring the China Offshore Summit in Beijing which will be held on the 29th and 30th of May 2013.

China represents a strategic necessity for those wishing to stay ahead. The Wealth Management Industry in China is continuously growing - as a result, there is a continuous demand for global expertise to help manage wealth. 

The China Offshore Summit in Beijing this May will offer panel discussions, workshops and presentations - revealing the reasons behind the new and rapid expansion of Chinese outbound investments, as well as strategies for diversification outside China. 

China's leading financial intermediaries will be present at this two-day summit, and in-depth and exclusive discussions will host bankers, lawyers, offshore professionals, corporate service providers, and representatives from trust companies. 

Kenneth Camilleri, Partner at Chetcuti Cauchi, will join speakers in their discussion of the many opportunities and challenges surrounding China's future growth. China's development of investment, trade and wealth management sectors will also be analyzed. 

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