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Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti attends International Tax Planning As

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Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner atChetcuti Cauchi,attended the International Tax Planning Association meeting heldin Monte-Carlo between June 5 - 7, 2011. This meetingwas an opportunity for the members of the association of over 1000 bankers, trust officers, finance directors, lawyers and others with a practical interest in the tax aspects of cross-frontier transactions to meet andaddress questions to the speakers and explore their topics in more detail.


Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner at Chetcuti Cauchi, attended the International Tax Planning Association (ITPA) meeting held in Monte-Carlo between June 5 - 7, 2011.  This regular meeting is an opportunity for the members of the association of over 1,000 bankers, trust officers, finance directors, lawyers and others with a practical interest in the tax aspects of cross-frontier transactions to meet and address questions to the specialised speakers and explore various tax planning topics in more detail.

During the ITPA meetings, members from different jurisdictions discuss and examine subjects mostly from the point of view of the taxpayer.  

ITPA was founded in 1975 and is the only association devoted solely to the study of International Tax Planning.  Membership in the association is limited only to practitioners who act for or in the interests of taxpayers.

Jean-Philippe acts as Legal Counsel and Tax Consultant to foreign individuals and business entities seeking a tax efficient base and residence in Malta. He provides advice on corporate law, taxation and trust law matters, and has acted as Counsel in complex commercial transactions; involving issues of tax, corporate finance and cross-border issues.


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