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Elegant and Vintage: A CCA Christmas Party

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On the 15th of December, Chetcuti Cauchi celebrated their elegant-and-vintage themed Christmas Party. Over 170 of the firm’s employees gathered at the MFCC, to enjoy the festive season together, over good food, drinks and music.


A Christmas Celebration 

Chetcuti Cauchi's employees enjoyed a memorable night at the Annual Christmas Party held at MFCC on the 15th December.  Travelling back in time for a vintage elegant themed celebration, the law firm celebrated the present and its growth throughout the past year.

Bringing together 170 employees from its six offices in Valletta together in one place, with excellent food and even better company, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates showed its gratitude to everyone for the year’s hard work providing professional, consistent and expert legal services. Although the company has grown, and the Christmas parties along with it, it has not forgotten that it was once a small boutique practice and continues to value its employees for their role in making the company what it is today. 

Charity Begins at Home

Even in such festive and busy times, the firm did not neglect to aid those from all different walks of life. This year, at the Annual Cake Bake, the employees at the firm joined forces and contributed by selling homemade goodies made by the staff themselves. Proceeds amounting to over Eur730, were donated to the Claris Foundation aiding children in need.  Employees also donated food items throughout December, in the form of a reverse advent calendar, and given to St Andrew Food Bank to help provide for families in difficulty.


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