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Gaming Regulation Landscape in Malta

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The Gaming Regulation Conference in Malta aimed at gathering regulators, operators and investors from across Europe to discuss the gaming regulation landscape in Malta and Europe.


Gaming Regulation in Malta Updates

On the 24th of February the Malta Gaming Authority organised a conference entitled “The Developing Landscape of Gaming Regulation, What Next?"  with the aim of discussing the current issues and challenges facing the gaming industry and inviting gaming regulators, together with advisors, operators, developers and investors from across Europe, to share their experiences and opinions on the gaming regulation landscape in Malta and across Europe.

The Minister for Competitive, and Digital, Maritime and Services Economy, Hon. Emmanuel Mallia highlighted the fact that although there is no common harmonised regulation across the European Member States, at a Community level there is a willingness to improve the gaming regulation landscape in Malta and Europe in general. Whilst thanking the Expert Group of Gambling Services, which has been bringing regulators together to exchange practices in order to unify common goals and views, the Minister also expressed the importance of establishing a gaming regulation landscape in Malta, as well as in Europe, which landscape would strike a balance between economic growth and the promotion of responsible and legal behaviour amongst operators, advisors and regulators alike.

In his keynote speech, the Executive Chairman of the Malta Gaming Authority, Mr Joseph Cuschieri, emphasised the importance of having a customer-friendly and business-orientated regulatory authority which aims at involving all the industry stakeholders in the shaping of the regulatory policy in the gaming industry. Mr Cuschieri emphasised that regulators ought to continue developing collaborative systems at a European level in order to eradicate duplication of work and push simplification of procedures within the gaming eco-system in Malta and the rest of the European States. If this is not done, a drain of resources would take place, which resources could otherwise be employed to enhance player protection and innovation. 

Mr Cuschieri indicated that a new gaming legislative framework which is to be published by the Ministry in the coming months, will cater for innovation through technology neutral provisions resulting in a long-term regulatory framework. 

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