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Chetcuti Cauchi contributes to Malta Law Society Journal 2022

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Dr Maria Chetcuti Cauchi and Dr Mark Zammit contributed to the Id-Dritt 2022, a legal publication of Gh-S-L, the Malta Law Student Society. Chetcuti Cauchi provided a researched publication on Formal Trademark Registration and Geographical Indicators. In this article the authors explore the appropriate intellectual property legal regimes for the protection of businesses and cultural offerings in Malta.


On the 13th of May 2022, Dr Maria Chetcuti Cauchi, Senior Partner at Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates, attended the book launch of the the prestigious academic law journal ‘Id-Dritt’. 

Id-Dritt was first released in 1944, and till today remains the most recognised and prestigious forum for local as well as international jurists to contribute to the discussion of various topics.

The launch was held at The Malta Chamber of Commerce. Besides the journal, another two GHSL publications were launched: Legal Translator/Tradittur Legali and ‘A Guide to Latin Terms in Law.’ 

Dr Maria Chetcuti Cauchi and Dr Mark Zammit contributed with a researched publication on Formal Trademark Registration and Geographical Indicators, a topic in the realm of Intellectual Property Law, a strong practise group of the firm. In this article the authors explore the appropriate IP legal regimes for the protection of businesses and cultural offerings.

The evening featured a variety of speeches from well-known legal professionals, as well as some refreshments.

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