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EC Green Paper on iGaming to be Issued on 23 March 2011

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The much anticipated Green Paper on iGaming is expected to be released by the European Commission tomorrow, the 23rd March 2011, according to Michel Barnier, the European Commisioner for Internal Market and Services.



The much anticipated Green Paper on iGaming is expected to be released by the European Commission, tomorrow, the 23rd March 2011, according to Michel Barnier, the European Commisioner for Internal Market and Services.

The internet definitely challenges “classical patterns of regulation” and this paper will deal with such challenges when it is published. The year 2011 has already seen an undeniable change within the EU’s regulatory framework. The EC has allowed a number of individual Member States to control their own national gambling markets, instead of adopting a uniform code based on the principle of freedom to provide services (which is one of the main driving factors behind the idea of creating a single European market). Alternatively, the principle of freedom of establishment is being used as a means for companies to operate within national markets.

Therefore, the EC Green Paper on iGaming will outline how such challenges should be approached at EU level in years to come.

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