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Wider Possibilities for EU Citizens Wanting to Register Their V

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More EU citizens are expected to choose the Malta flag for their ships/ yachts in view of the recent amendments allowing EU citizens residing in Malta to register their vessels directly under their ownership without the need to appoint a resident agent, who is generally appointed for reasons of representation and daily administration relating to the vessel. 


In an effort to attract even more international owners to register their vessels under the ever-thriving Malta flag, European citizens residing in Malta may now avail of the opportunity to register their vessels directly under their ownership without the need to appoint a resident agent, who is generally appointed for reasons of representation and daily administration relating to the vessel.  

Up until recently, an international owner, the definition of which included amongst others a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, was required by law to appoint a resident agent to administer processes relating to the registration and management of the vessel.

This scenario has changed with the introduction of recent amendments to revise the above definition. Hence as the law currently stands, an EU citizen who provides clear proof of residence in Malta, such as a valid registration certificate, will be eligible to register his vessel under the Malta flag without the additional requirement of resident agency.

Hence, in view of the new amendment the definition of ‘international owner’ in Maltese maritime law now excludes a European citizens residing in Malta and hence, has been restricted to a foreign corporate body or other entity which enjoys legal personality in terms of the law under which such body / entity has been established or otherwise an EU Member State citizen who is not a resident of Malta only. In the case of a foreign corporate body or an EU citizen not resident in Malta, a resident agent is still required by Maltese maritime law to act on behalf of the international owner, provided all other conditions laid down at law are satisfied.

This step forward has been welcomed by many stakeholders and professionals alike, in particular within the yachting sector, in that it provides a wider spectrum of possibilities and ease of process to persons who wish to register their vessels under the Malta flag and avail of the several advantages such flag of confidence offers. 

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