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Investment Migration Council confirms Jean-Philippe Chetcuti's Malta Membership

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The Investment Migration Council's thorough review of Dr Jean Philippe Chetcuti's international professional practices in Investment Migration has re-affirmed the firm's pre-eminence as a leading citizenship by investment lawyer, upholding the ethical standards of the IMC Code of Ethics and confirming the highest levels of professional conduct. Senior lawyer Dr JP Chetcuti is a long standing member of the IMC and a speaker at various IMC Forums and Workshops in Geneva and Malta.


The Investment Migration Council's thorough review of Dr Jean Philippe Chetcuti's international professional practices in Investment Migration has re-affirmed Chetcuti Cauchi's pre-eminence as a  leading investor citizenship law practice, upholding the ethical standards of the IMC Code of Ethics and confirming the highest levels of professional conduct.  Senior lawyer Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti is a long standing member of the IMC and a speaker at various IMC Forums and Workshops in Geneva and Malta.

The Investment Migration Council concluded a thorough seven-month investigation into allegations by the French media, finding none of the alleged breaches of the IMC Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.  The precautionary investigation was based only on claims made in French by the TV programme, added in voice-over to muted footage of a meeting but no other evidence was presented to back these claims.

Central to the evidence submitted were the raw footage obtained by the immigration firm in the course of its successful court proceedings in France and the IIP Regulator’s Report of November 2019 The final decision of the IMC was announced in a press statement today the 27th April 2020.

In its statement, the Investment Migration Council pointed out that “following a thorough investigation into the reasons that led to a temporary suspension from membership of the IMC introduced on the 26 September 2019, the IMC has decided to remove the suspension and close the investigation. The IMC established that its member has not acted against IMC Codes in the case that was subject to investigation.”

The IMC stated that “reaching a fair and just decision in this case, was only possible by taking into account all evidence, including the ORiiP Analysis and the raw footage of your entire meeting with the French undercover journalist which allows for assessment of the entire context of your discussion with the French undercover journalist.”

“On the basis of the ORiiP Analysis, and assessment of the raw footage of the entire meeting the IMC reached a decision to restore your right to officially affiliate yourself with the IMC and close the investigation process. The available evidence shows that you have not infringed the CEPC during your meeting with the French undercover journalist,” added the IMC in its statement.

Reacting to the news, Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti stated:

"We welcome the finding by the IMC that the unedited raw footage reviewed by this professional body contradicts the assertions made by the French media. We appreciate the thorough scrutiny of such media allegations and the Report of the IIP Regulator and welcome the IMC’s conclusions wholeheartedly.  This is a confirmation of the strong ethical principles and standards of conduct encouraged by the global professional body regulating investment migration professionals.”

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