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Malta launches Digital Gaming Strategy


Malta’s Digital Gaming Strategy is designed to encourage the setting up of local video games and digital gaming start-ups thanks to grants and specialist training courses.


Malta has launched its Digital Gaming strategy aimed at identifying the practical manner in which the digital games industry in Malta can be further stimulated, supported and further expanded to reinforce Malta’s position as a hub of the digital gaming industry, notably as a hub for Mobile, Tablet, PC, Console-Downloadable (e.g. Xbox-Live / Playstation Network), Casual, Flash and other browser games which require smaller teams, which includes the growing areas of Freemium and Microtransaction games.

To date, in addressing the opportunities and challenges presented by the digital gaming industry, Malta has devised a series of schemes that enable digital gaming entrepreneurs to find in Malta a stable medium and long-term option to relocating existing operations or set-up new ones.

As part of its strategy, the coming months shall see Malta continuing to offer a competitive business environment for global gaming companies by offering a suite of fiscal and other support measures, suitable for a wide-range of companies. These fiscal incentives shall be coupled to one of the most tax-advantageous corporate structures within Europe where the effective tax rate is as low as 5% and with the 15% tax capping on all the salaries earned by digital gaming directors and designers.

Malta’s Digital Gaming strategy foresees also the encouragement of the setting up of local gaming start-ups through the use of appropriate grants and specialist training courses.

Deemed as one of the pillars of Malta’s Digital Gaming Strategy, Malta has already announced that the synergy between the industry and educational institutions shall be at the core of Malta’s strategy for the development of the digital gaming sector in Malta. This shall be done through the delivery of new targeted courses. Additionally, as part of its strategy, Malta shall continue establishing strong research activity including PhDs and research bids for EU funding.

Launched in April 2012, Malta’s Digital Gaming Strategy augurs that Malta shall continue to be increasingly popular proving to be the destination of choice for companies to set up shop with the country witnessing a boost of investment in the digital games sector, complementing Malta’s position as a hub for iGaming.

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