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Malta’s ninth re-election in the IMO council

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The Assembly of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has yesterday re-elected Malta as one of the members of its council for the period 2012 – 2013. This is the ninth time that Malta has been elected to the council.



The Assembly of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has yesterday re-elected Malta as one of the members of its council for the period 2012 – 2013. This is the ninth time that Malta has been elected to the council.

Malta has been selected as one of the forty members partaking in the forthcoming council which is made up of forty members, each possessing their respective maritime relevance, that were selected from among the 170 member states forming the organisation. The council is responsible for ensuring that all world regions are represented uniformly.

The Assembly is the highest governing body of the IMO and is responsible for sanctioning the work programme, voting the budget and establishing the financial arrangements of the Organisation.

Malta’s appointment to the council has been received with great interest given the continued respect it has successfully developed throughout the international community.

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