A publication of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) puts Malta among the most observant when it comes to successful implementation of EU legislative measures. The publication which lists the cases of infringement brought against member states identified only 14 cases commenced against Malta, 12 of which were initiated by the European Commission claiming infringement of EU law.
The ECJ is the EU’s highest court in matters of European Union Law and is responsible for the interpretation of EU law and to ensure the equal application across EU member states.
In all, in the past five years, the ECJ has ruled against Malta four times and in most of the other cases, the proceedings were terminated as Malta had ratified the legislative text at issue. At present, Malta has only one case pending before the ECJ.
Between 2007 and 2011, the period under study, the largest number of court cases were initiated against Greece (75), Italy (69) and Spain (68) who were also the countries that were found in breach of EU laws, 50, 66 and 56 times, respectively.