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Malta to host 2012 European Film Awards

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Malta to host 2012 European film awards


Reflecting its increasing standing as the filming location of choice for many European filmmakers, Malta will be holding the 25th European Film Awards Ceremony. The Awards Ceremony will take place at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, one of the most imposing buildings in Valletta that dates back to 1574, which overlooks the majestic Grand Harbour.

Considered as Europe’s version of the Academy Awards, the event will bring together over 2500 film professionals and will prize excellence in European cinematic achievements.  The ceremony that shall be held in Malta on 1 December 2012 will award the greatest achievements in European cinema over the previous year through fifteen different award categories, such as European Actress, European Actor, European Director and European Film.  During the event, Dame Helen Mirren, who will be an honorary guest of the awards ceremony, will be presented with the honorary award 'European Achievement in World Cinema 2012'.

Dubbed a Hollywood in the Mediterranean, Malta presents itself as an ideal location for a celebration of the filming industry. In the last ten years Malta has seen an influx of productions with over 75 productions having been filmed in various locations of the Maltese Islands in the past four years.

Beside its ambience, Malta is favourable for the filming industry as it offers different cash, financial and fiscal incentives that benefit both emerging and experienced film-makers.

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