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Malta insert features in 'World Airnews'

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March 2012 welcomed evidence of Malta's increasing popularity and role in the global aviation industry results from an insert in World Airnews magazine consisting of 12 pages.


March 2012 welcomed evidence of Malta's increasing popularity and role in the global aviation industry results from an insert in World Airnews magazine consisting of 12 pages.

In view of the economic difficulties which the aviation industry is witnessing, the article provides the progress required for the economic revival of Malta's aviation sector together that of the whole of the north and sub-Saharan Africa.

The launch of the Malta Special was held at Bank of Valletta’s head office in St Venera on May 7. In the last year, Malta has been a beneficiary of inward investment by the aviation industry. Malta's succes may mainly be attributed to its relatively low-cost base, highly educated workforce, well developed transport infrastructure and low tax regime.

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