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Malta to retain Business-Friendliness of Malta Gaming Licence

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Malta gaming regulator to retain business-friendliness of Malta gaming licence


Although the Malta licence is ranked as the most popular worldwide, the gaming regulator in Malta – the Lotteries and Gaming Authority – has announced plans aimed at preserving the reputation and business-friendliness of the world’s largest gaming jurisdiction.

In addition to facilitating the Malta gaming licence application, the Lotteries and Gaming Authority is currently working on strengthening other services ancillary to the attainment of a gaming licence. This includes services offered by stakeholders such as real estate agencies, hospitality, data centres, audit firms, banks, telecoms companies, software developers and other advisors.


As the first EU jurisdiction to regulate online gaming back in 2004, Malta is deemed as the veteran jurisdiction in the EU with several countries attempting to achieve the regulatory harmony that Malta has achieved where the Malta licence application process is accessible, transparent and manageable but which simultaneously upholds player protection and player responsibility. 

In furtherance to the documented success of the Malta gaming licence, the Malta gaming regulator has announced its commitment to continue to ensure that the gaming industry continues to thrive as a sector of added value with a multiplier effect.

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