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Malta Golden Visa Rules Out


The much awaited Malta Golden Visa rules out now. We are happy to announce that application forms for the Malta Golden Visa are out.


Identity Malta, the Malta government agency responsible for the administration of the Malta Golden Visa Programme has just announced that the application forms for the Malta Golden Visa Rules are out. The Malta Residence and Visa Programme has been enacted by virtue of Legal Notice 288 of 2015 and is available to non-EU/EEA nationals who together with their registered dependants, are entitled to be issued with a residence permit allowing its beneficiaries the right to reside, settle or stay indefinitely in Malta.

Malta Golden Visa Rules: Family Applications

The Malta Golden Visa rules allow the issue of a residence permit to the main applicant and the dependants subject to the below qualifications:

  • The Main Applicant is at least 18 years of age;
  • The Main Applicant meets the application requirements;
  • The Main Applicant and his dependants are in possession of a clean criminal conduct;
  • The Main Applicant must provide an affidavit declaring that from the date of the application onwards he has either an annual income of not less than hundred thousand euro (€100,000) arising outside Malta or has in his possession a capital of not less than five hundred thousand euro (€500,000).

Golden Visa Property Rental / Purchase

The Main Applicant must provide proof of title to qualifying property which may either be:

  • A qualifying owned property purchased at a consideration of not less than two hundred and seventy thousand euro (€270,000) for a property situated in Gozo or in the south of Malta, or three hundred and twenty thousand euro (€320,000) for a property situated elsewhere in Malta
  • A qualifying rented property, taken on lease for a rent of not less than ten thousand euro (€10,000) per annum for a property situated in Gozo or in the south of Malta, or not less than twelve thousand euro (€12,000) per annum for a property situated elsewhere in Malta.

Malta Golden Visa Bonds

The Main Applicant must commit to invest in qualifying investment of an initial value of of two hundred and fifthy thousand euro (€250,000) which must be held for a minimum period of five years from the date of the residence certificate.

The Main Applicant must commit to pay in full a contribution of €30,000 in accordance with the Malta Golden Visa Regulations. On application, the main applicant is required to pay a non-refundable application fee of €5,500 which will be deducted from the contribution, which must be payable on acceptance.

All individuals who are beneficiaries under the Global Residence Programme shall be allowed to apply for the issuance of the certificate in terms of the Malta Golden Visa launched under these regulations.

Our Golden Visa Residency Services

Applications for the Malta Golden Visa are to be made to and processed by Identity Malta. Applicants must be represented by an Accredited Person that is a licensed Maltese Authorised Registered Mandatory (ARM). Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti (Chetcuti Cauchi Advisors Ltd) holds licence no. IIP 001 and Mr.Kenneth Camilleri holds license no. IIP 124 and have satisfied the additional requirements imposed by the Regulations over and above the requirements for ARMs under other legislation.

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