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Malta Industry Growth


Malta’s industrial production increased by 2.6% in November 2018, compared with the previous month, the third largest increase in the EU.


Malta continues with its trend of good performance and has extended this to the manufacturing sector.  Malta has a strong manufacturing base for high value-added products like electronics and pharmaceuticals, and the manufacturing sector has attracted more than 250 foreign-owned, export-oriented enterprises.  Apart from its good geographical location Malta offers a number of other advantages amongst which facility of doing business, English language is one of the official languages and Malta companies can operate in any currency.


According to the Eurostat report issued on Monday, Malta’s industrial production has increased by 2.6 per cent just in November 2018, when compared with the previous month, which makes it the the third largest increase in the EU.

On the other hand the largest decreases in industrial production were observed in Ireland (-7.5%), Portugal (-2.5%), Germany and Lithuania (both -1.9%). 


In the eurozone as a whole, seasonally adjusted industrial production fell by 1.7% in the euro area.

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