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Malta launches R&D Fund for COVID-19 Innovations

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Malta Government announces €5.3 million fund for COVID-19 Research & Development to encourage innovation, research and development in COVID-19 and other pandemic related R&D.


In the end of January 2020, the World Health Organization issued a significant statement declaring the 2019-CoV outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, in line with the International Health Regulation. Indeed, COVID-19 has affected over 200 countries, with more than 2.5 million confirmed cases to date. In an era driven by innovation, the race is on to try and find a vaccine for this highly contagious virus. 

MCST & Malta Enterprise launch COVID-19 Research & Development Fund

The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and Malta Enterprise Corporation have also felt the need to fuel inventiveness - a designated fund entitled ‘COVID -19 R&D Fund’ was therefore launched. 

The fund, supported by the Minister of Finance and Financial Services and the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business amounts to a staggering Euro 5.3 Million. The fund does not only aim at inspiring innovative approaches related to the current pandemic outbreak, which has altered the lifestyle of humanity at large, but also targets future waves and other antiviral research, for the development of foresight tools and methodologies which will revolutionise the pandemic sphere. With no mandatory requirements for a consortium, this fund targets private entities, academics and the public at large. 

Who is eligible?

Entities that may submit proposals for this call include:

  1. Undertakings (including public entities) that are engaged in an economic activity (defined) and that carry out fundamental research, industrial research or experimental development projects;
  2. Public entities / research and knowledge-dissemination organisations which do not carry out an economic activity (defined).

The rules for participation and the extent of R&D support offered under this incentive scheme vary depending on the type of eligible entity, mostly based on the research and development activities carried out and the extent of support, as shown below:

Our R&D incentive application services

Chetcuti Cauchi's Intellectual Property team is  a certified Service Provider to MCST and have extensive experience handling intellectual property, innovation and R&D incentives with the relevant Maltese authorities.  We look forward to hearing about your research and development work in confidence.  Contact us for a free consultation on how we can assist you.

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