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Malta General Elections: New Government to retain Key Economic


Malta General Elections: New Government to retain Key Economic Policies


Following general elections held on 9th March 2013, after 15 years, Malta has a new party is in government. As indicated in the run up to the election, the new government is expected to continue building on existing policies in Malta’s key industries, notably the gaming, financial services, maritime and commercial sectors.

The ear-marking of sectors such as the Digital Economy, the Promotion of Financial Services, the Information and Communication Strategy, as well as Maritime Affairs in the portfolio of the new cabinet signals commitment to these industries.

The new Malta government is expected also to focus on investment promotion, small business and the self-employed, trade services, research and development, and financial services regulation.

The new government, headed by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, is expected to adopt the outgoing government’s budget in the coming weeks.

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