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Malta's A rating confirmed again by DBRS


DBRS Ratings Ltd has issued a credit rating report on Malta where it confirmed its stable outlook and its @A@ rating.


Malta's A rating has been reconfirmed by DBRS.  Malta's rating at A reflects the fact that the country is in the Eurozone, ensuring reliable access to the European markets, fostering strong and credible macroeconomic policies and also making available financial support from the European institutions. The country's solid external position also supports Malta's ratings, together with a favourable public debt structure and the robust financial position of households.

DBRS commented on the increase in national income as a direct result of increase in employment generated both by trade and tourism and most noteably by the country's success in the financial services sector.  Malta has also invested in the strengthening of its fiscal, monetary and financial policy institutions in line with EU and Eurozone rules.  DBRS acknowledged that "important improvements in fiscal management have been undertaken”.  DBRS also commented positively on the recent budget measures which were aimed at strengthening the fiscal framework, such as the Fiscal Responsibility Act.

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