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Malta Registry of Companies

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Changes in the organisational structure of the Malta Registry of Companies


On Monday, 30th April, Legal Notice 144 of 2018 was enacted under the Public Administration Act which issued an order that the Malta Registry of Companies shall no longer form part of the Malta Financial Services Authority (the ‘MFSA’ or the 'Authority'). The decision to create a separate, standalone Registry of Companies is in line with the proposed changes to the Malta Financial Services Authority which are set to strengthen the internal management structure of the Authority. This move shall allow the regulator to focus solely on its regulatory role, while also delving into non-traditional segments of the market.

Registry of Companies (Establishment as an Agency) Order, 2018

The Public Administration Act (the ‘Act’) grants the power to the Prime Minister to issue Orders by virtue of article 36 of the Act. Under this Order, the Registry of Companies shall be established as an Agency, and it shall be vested with the duties and functions pertaining to the Registrar of Companies under the Act and any other law. The responsible minister for this new agency shall be the Minister of Finance, in accordance with the Act.

The Agency shall assume responsibility for all assets, liabilities and obligations which were previously vested or entered into by in the MFSA and which emanate or arise from the functions of the Agency.


Our Corporate Law Practice

As an international firm with years of experience in the company set-up and corporate relocation sector, we have the experience needed to implement even the most complex corporate migration projects involving the transfer of seat or of the fiscal residence of a company to Malta, or both. We tackle the formalities needed to register the entity with the Malta Registry of Companies and the local Tax Authorities on behalf of our corporate clients and offer advice on various issues relating to VAT Law, Corporate Law and International Tax Law.


Following your successful relocation or setting up in Malta, Chetcuti Cauchi is always at your disposal for any queries and additional assistance for you, your partners and family members.

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