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Malta Residence & Tax Planning Seminar, Moscow

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Hotel National, Moscow

Chetcuti Cauchi will be hosting The Malta Residence & Tax Planning Seminar which will be held on Wednesday 25th September 2013 at the Hotel National in Moscow, Russia.


Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti and Dr Charles Cassar will present a seminar on Malta Residence Programmes & Tax Planning Opportunities using Malta Companies, Trusts, Foundations & Hedge Funds. This seminar will take place on Wednesday 25th September at the Hotel National in Moscow, Russia.

Unveiled on 1st June 2013, the Global Residence Programme is so far the most advantageous alternative residence scheme available in the European Union to non-EU nationals, due to its low property investments or rental thresholds and a lowered minimum annual tax. Malta is also renowned for its favourable tax system for:

  • management of international trading companies
  • tax exempt holding companies
  • sound banking system
  • set up & management of professional investment funds

Relocation consultants will also be speaking on property investment opportunities and living in Malta.

Programme and Presentation topics:

  • 0900 - Optional: Private Meetings, Networking
  • 0940 - Registration
  • 1000 - Malta's Banking Stability & Financial Services in Malta
  • 1030 - Malta Companies, Trusts & Foundations in international tax planning
  • 1115 - Personal Tax Opportunities & Malta (EU) Residence Programmes
  • 1145 - Living in Malta, Property Investment in Malta
  • 1215 - Reception, Private Meetings (by appointment)

Register now to secure your place by filling out the registration form on this page. 

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