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Malta retains an 'A' credit rating despite European Sovereign D

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Moody’s reports demonstrate that Malta’s country ceilings for bonds and bank deposits remain at Aaa, in line with the euro area’s ceilings.


Moody’s reports demonstrate that Malta’s country ceilings for bonds and bank deposits remain at Aaa, in line with the euro area’s ceilings.

Moody’s have acknowledged the limited impact of the financial crisis on the Maltese economy. Although the Maltese economy has been exposed to international economic realities it has proven to be resilient as evidenced by Malta’s past and current economic and financial performance.

According to the latest Eurostat financial data shows that Malta’s debt is at 68% which is well below the euro area average of 85.1%. The tourism and financial services sectors amongst others are contributing substantially to the country’s economic and employment growth leading to above EU average growth rates and significantly lower levels of unemployment when compared to other EU Member States.

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