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Malta Stock Exchange Outperforms World indexes


Malta Stock Exchange outperforms World indexes in 2015.


The Malta Stock Exchange  Outperforms World indexes in 2015 by closing at 4430, demonstrating one of the worlds’ best performing stock indices and a 33% improvement for the previous years. Of note, three large companies, Mapfre Middle Sea, RS2, and Simonds Farsons shares doubled in price, with a large percentage of other company finishing 2015 up over 30%.

Equity and corporate bond trading volumes were up 61% and 38% respectively highlighting an improvement in trading activities across the exchange. Market Capitalisation Value reflected these improvements,  which closed at €11.4 billion, boasting an increase of over €1 billion from 2014.

Joseph Portelli, Chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange, said, “The MSE’s index outperformance is a testimonial to the Maltese economy being one of Europe’s best performers, to improved corporate profits and an economy awash in liquidity. Consumer confidence is also quite strong, which along with other positive economic fundamentals should bode well for the Maltese equity market.”

In 2016, the Business Development strategy will focus on attracting listings from overseas companies, mainly targeting China, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Such companies will be able to take advantage of Malta’s cost effective listing solutions. The Exchange will also be introducing Prospects, an SME Exchange which will cater to small companies looking to attract up to 5 million Euros in capital. Furthermore, the upcoming launch of the MSE Sharia Compliant Index, will see the exchange explore opportunities within Islamic Finance.

The Malta Stock Exchange will soon be reporting full year earnings and is expected to announce record profits. 

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