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The Malta Stock Exchange announces its move to XETRA

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The Malta Stock Exchange has announced it will commence operations  over XETRA as of 11 June of this year.  The move is set to create new advantages for listing on the MSE.


The Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) and Deutsche Börse Group have agreed that the MSE will launch on XETRA, a fully electronic trading platform.  XETRA is offered by the German giant Deutsche Börse Group, which operates the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the largest stock exchange in Germany and one of the largest exchanged in the world.

The MSE will be in good company. XETRA is used by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Vienna Stock Exchange, Irish Stock Exchange, Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Eurex Derivatives AG, and Bulgaria Stock Exchange and others.  Reportedly over 900,000 securities can be bought and sold on this trading platform, a figure which is not exceeded by other trading platforms in Europe.


The move to XETRA is on track and to be concluded by 11th June 2012.  In the wake of this news, the MSE deputy general manager and manager for product and business development have addressed the members of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and fund and asset managers, highlighting Malta’s proud achievements in its economy and the financial services sector, as well as the new business opportunities which XETRA will make possible.  


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