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Malta's Vision for Artificial Intelligence Launched

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Malta has launched a policy for the development of Artificial Intelligence. This forms part of Malta’s strategy towards bringing about further economic growth within the digital innovation. Following its success in establishing itself as the Blockchain Island, Malta is once against presenting itself as a leader within the industry of digital innovation, creating an environment in which such technologies may continue to properly develop.


Malta developing national AI strategy  

On the 2nd November 2018, Junior Minister for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation, Hon Silvio Schembri, announced Malta’s vision on Artificial Intelligence. During the Malta Blockchain Summit, Hon Schembri noted the success Malta has been experiencing ever since it established itself as the Blockchain Island. The country is now discovering its potential within the industry of Artificial Intelligence to further bring about economic growth within the field of digital innovation in Malta. In fact, the Junior Minister upheld that, “After successfully positioning Malta as The Blockchain Island, by being the first in the world to regulate DLT Products and Services, we now would like to position Malta amongst the top 10 countries in the world with an Artificial Intelligence Policy”, “After successfully positioning Malta as The Blockchain Island, by being the first in the world to regulate DLT Products and Services, we now would like to position Malta amongst the top 10 countries in the world with an Artificial Intelligence Policy”. 

The Objectives of Malta’s Vision 

This vision prioritises the importance of discussion on the subject, providing an environment in which stakeholders are able to build awareness on key issues within the industry. The policy envisaged for Artificial Intelligence in Malta will ensure the technology is ethically aligned, transparent and socially responsible. It will subsequently identify the regulatory and fiscal measures which are most suitable towards upholding Malta’s leading position as a hub for foreign investment. The vision will identify the necessary skill base and infrastructure needed to support Artificial Intelligence. The strategy will be developed in such a way as to determine how this technology can be used to further improve the services given to citizens.

The Future Development of AI

The Maltese government has set-up a task force made up of entrepreneurs, academics and experts within the field, who, together, will devise a holistic approach towards the industry. The approach will focus on academia, start-ups and companies, as well as creating a sustainable within the industry. Although the task force will enhance the development of the industry as well as its economic growth, the task force will do its utmost to mitigate any risks which may arise from this rapidly-developing industry.

Malta’s Outlook

Malta’s experts will be working hand in hand with other international partners to develop the potential of Artificial Intelligence. The attitude Malta has adopted is proving itself to be quite open towards the contribution of interested parties who can provide some form of expertise on the way forward. Hon Schembri made it evident that contribution from experts within the field is welcome with open arms, holding that “Through Malta AI, we would like to invite businesses who wish to contribute and be part of our journey in AI. This is the start of another chapter in Malta’s vision to become a technological hub. We look forward to work hand in hand with all stakeholders including European institutions on artificial intelligence”.

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