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ECB Stress Tests Confirm Soundness of Maltese Banks

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ECB 2014 stress tests have confirmed the soundness of Maltese banks


The ECB has published the results of a Eurozone-wide stress test that assessed Malta's major banking institutions. The assessment consisted of two components; an asset quality review on the basis of a methodology designed and published by the ECB, and a stress stess following methodology designed and published by the EBA. The results of the assessment are positive for the Maltese banks subject to it; no capital shortfalls were identified under either the baseline and averse scenarios. The overall result confirms the soundness and resilience of the Maltese banks subject to the test, and once again highlights the resilience of Malta's banking sector. 

The MFSA and CBM joint statement with respect to the result, as well as the comprehensive assessment results can be accessed here:




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