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Positive outcome for Maltese business delegation to South Africa

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Malta Enterprise organised a business delegation to South Africa between the 18th and the 25th February, 2012.


Malta Enterprise in collaboration with FinanceMalta and with the support of the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, the General Retailers and Traders Union and the Gozo Business Chamber organised a business delegation to South Africa between the 18th and the 25th February, 2012.

Twelve Maltese companies operating in a wide range of sectors including financial services, shipping, renewable energy, tourism, property development, and food and beverages, visited Johannesburg, South Africa’s major commercial, financial and industrial centre. During the business forum, Malta was projected as a regional hub for trade and investment in the Mediterranean. The forum was followed by a series of one-to-one meetings during which the Maltese businessmen had the opportunity to establish contact with around thirty South African businesses.

The business delegation then went on to Cape Town, which also has a very strong financial and business services industry. At the crossroads of some of the world’s most important trade routes, Cape Town has developed a thriving manufacturing industry. Here too, individual meetings followed a business forum which included a hedge fund symposium.

Giving an overview of the business environment in Malta, Malta Enterprise executive chairman Alan Camilleri outlined the various opportunities that could be exploited by the South African companies seeking to expand throughout the EU and in other nearby markets in North Africa. Mr. Peter Wentzel, Maitland International’s senior partner, gave a testimonial about his company’s experience of doing business in Malta. Overall, the Maltese delegation held successful meetings and will further develop their contacts in the near future. 

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