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The Malta Institute of Taxation is hosting the Confédération Fi

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The Malta Institute of Taxation (MIT) is hosting the first general assembly of the re-founded Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE). 


The Malta Institute of Taxation (MIT) is hosting the first general assembly of the re-founded Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE). The CFE, of which the Malta Institute of Taxation is a member, comprises approximately 200,000 European Tax Advisors. The CFE is an international non-profit organisation. Its main functions are the safeguarding of its members’ professional interests, quality assurance, the exchange of information and the coordination of tax law in Europe.

The Malta Institute of Taxation has been a CFE member for the last ten years. It has participated in the re-foundation of CFE and MIT Honorary Secretary George Farrugia signed the constitution act on behalf of the Institute. The Malta Institute of Taxation applied for membership of the CFE in 1996. It was granted observer status in 1997 and full membership at the General Assembly held in Stockholm in 2001. The Malta Institute of Taxation is the only member organisation representing Malta.

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