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MSI 2013 International Conference - Munich

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Bayerischer Hof

Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner at Chetcuti Cauchi, will be attending the MSI 2013 International Conference Munich. This event will be held at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich from the 19th to the 22nd of October 2013.


Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner at Chetcuti Cauchi, will be attending the MSI 2013 International Conference Munich. This event will be held at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich from the 19th to the 22nd of October 2013.

The theme of this year’s MSI conference will be “Facing the Future” which will address both the challenges and opportunities facing professional services firms competing in a rapidly changing global marketplace.

The programme will commence on Monday 21st October, and as well as offering grounds for networking with other professionals, members will be able to take in the special Bavarian traditions that Munich has to offer.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Succession Planning and Partner Remuneration – by Michael Roch (KermaPartners)
  • Collaboration in the ANZ Region – by Alec Blacklaw (Area Rep, ANZ Region)
  • The tides of Change – by Dean van Leeuwen (TomorrowToday)
  • The New MSI Marketing Platform – Pauline Rottstock (Marketing & Business Development Manager, MSI)
  • Sunrise or Sunset? Opportunities and Challenges in a Fast Moving World – by Andrew Hedley (Hedley Consulting)
  • Building Value through Staff Exchanges – by Donal Watkin (Chief Executive, MSI)
  • The Imprecise Art of the Rainmaker – by Stephen Gold (The Stephen Gold Consultancy)
  • Welcome to the 25th MSI International Conference – by Creuza de Abreu Vieira Coelho (MSI Member, Rio)

MSI Global Alliance has been connecting independent, medium sized accounting and law firms all over the word for over 20 years. It has grown to become one of the largest associations of professional firms in the world. MSI Global Alliance extends to 250 full service member firms in over 100 countries, with over 8,000 practising lawyers and accountants.

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