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New Emerging Technologies Lab Officially Inaugurated


New Emerging Technologies Lab Officially Inaugurated


Malta’s latest step towards fostering innovation 

On the 2nd October, the Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation, Hon Silvio Schembri officially launched a new Emerging Technologies Lab within the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA).  This €250,000 investment will allow MITA employees, government officials, students and start-ups to explore new technologies and develop innovative ideas. 

The Emerging Technologies Lab 

The Lab will host two main types of activities: ongoing lectures providing the necessary guidance and training on emerging technologies, as well as activities to encourage creative thinking within MITA employees and government officials. By introducing such an initiative, the Agency is encouraging a collaboration with various other industries. In fact, Hon Silvio Schembri upheld that “[this] will set in motion a new way of thought on how these technologies can be integrated in the day-to-day business operations”. 

This initiative will target specific technological fields related to DLTs, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things as well as 3D Printing and Scanning. By providing individuals with the necessary resources, they will be given the opportunity to further their ideas and shape the future of various other industries. 

Malta: a Leader in Blockchain

Malta has adopted a strategy wherein it does not only accept the latest technological developments, but also creates an environment in which it fosters innovation. By providing all the necessary resources, both in terms of tools and education guidance, Malta is embracing the Blockchain revolution that is yet to come.  

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