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Positive stress test results expected for local bank

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Bank of Valletta, the only Maltese bank included in this year’s stress tests of EU banks, is expected to pass the EU’s stress test with flying colours. The preview of the results recently given to Finance Ministers reveals the BOV as being one of the soundest among those tested.


The European Banking Authority (EBA) has announced that the results of the EU wide stress test being carried out on 91 banks which represent 65% of total assets of the banking sector will be published on Friday, 15 July 2011. The results will be published by the EBA, national authorities and banks and will include clear disclosure of credit and sovereign exposures.

The stress test is an important supervisory tool which assesses the resilience of European banks to a hypothetical adverse scenario by using a common stress testing benchmark for European banks.  It is aimed to identify vulnerabilities and address possible deficiencies. The stress test results are expected to show that some renowned banks will need state intervention to survive.

Bank of Valletta, the only Maltese bank included in this year’s stress tests of EU banks, is expected to pass the EU’s stress test with flying colours. The preview of the results recently given to Finance Ministers reveals the BOV as being one of the soundest among those tested.

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