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Reduced Malta Tax for Returning Maltese established in Field of Excellence


Under the Repatriation of Persons established in a Field of Excellence rules 2013, Maltese living abroad for at least 10 years and returning to Matla to take up employment with a remuneration of at least €75,000 will enjoy a reduced flat rate of tax of 15%.


L.N. 111 of 2013 has introduced the Repatriation of Persons established in a Field of Excellence Rules, 2013. The Rules are effective as of 1st January, 2013. 

As of year of assessment 2013, work carried out in Malta by an eligible individual under a contract of employment and remunerated at an annual minimum of €75,000 will be taxed at 15%. An eligible individual must prove his professional competence to the Malta Enterprise Corporation. 

An individual would be deemed to be eligible for the scheme if he is established in a field of excellence and returns to Malta as an ordinary resident therein. Such individual must have been ordinarily resident in Malta for at least twenty years after a period of ten consecutive years during which he was not so ordinarily resident prior to his return to Malta. The term “field of excellence” effectively refers to an area of professional competence in the manufacturing and research and development sectors in which the individual has excelled. 

For more detailed information on this topic, please refer to the detailed publication entitled Repatriation of Persons established in a Field of Excellence Rules, 2013.

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