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Roaming Charges to end in Europe

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Europe Roaming Charges to end in 2017 EU commission announced. roaming charges to end in Europe by 2017


The European Commission has announced its aim to introduce legislation for roaming charges to end in Europe. The Commission has set a deadline for roaming charges to end in Europe by 2017. Until then there will be an interim period during which a cap is to be implemented by means of which roaming charges will structurally decrease to at least 75%.

Currently, the majority of mobile operators charge higher rates to send texts, make calls, or use of the internet on a mobile device from one country to another. However, the system will change and users will be able to make use of their phone between one Member State and another, whilst still paying the same rate they pay when using the device in their own Member State, hence roaming charges to end in Europe. Mobile operators may still adopt a ‘fair use policy’, aiming to reduce abuse of the new system. This push to end roaming charges in the EU is part of the Telecoms Single Market Initiative, and this elimination of roaming charges aims to contribute to the further development of a Digital Single Market within the EU by making communication easier and cheaper for users within the EU, as well as making the region more completive in terms of communications systems, and reducing market fragmentation.

In announcing its aim to introduce legislation for roaming charges to end in Europe by 2017, the Commission has also, for the first time, enshrined the principle on net neutrality which stops service providers from favouring certain internet traffic. The new agreement on net neutrality ensures that all networks allow a general access to the Internet without differentiating between internet traffic. These rules come with exceptions which may allow networks to control certain traffic, including blocking access, in certain cases such as if there is a risk of cyber terrorism, to combat the proliferation of child pornography, or to ensure a better service to live feeds used during surgery.

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