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Secret Santa Got Talent  Life at CC

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Chetcuti Cauchi enjoyed their annual Secret Santa gathering on the 19th of December, at San Duminiku Hall. Employees gathered to exchange gifts, showcase their talents and appreciate their co-workers, by awarding them with the Extra Mile, Excellence in Service and Employee of the Year Awards.


Chetcuti Cauchi employees from all six Valletta-based offices enjoyed their annual Secret Santa night on the 19th of December 2018, at San Duminiku Hall, in Valletta. Exchanging gifts was not the only thing on the agenda this year. Staff members took a moment to look back at the lucrative and successful year, and made sure to congratulate and appreciate their colleagues for their yearlong hard work. There were three categories of awards to be nominated from – the Extra Mile, Excellence in Service and Employee of the Year Awards – and three of the firm’s many employees went on to be rewarded.

The firm, for the first time ever, also hosted an employee talent show. All the firm’s employees got the chance to showcase their talents at the Annual Secret Santa, were it was discovered that they had some natural born dancers in their midst.

Chetcuti Cauchi does not neglect the fundamentals of charity during the Christmas Season. This year the firm raised over €700 at the Annual Cake Bake held on the 30th of November. The proceeds were donated to the Claris Foundation – the firm’s philantrophic arm –  founded in order to help children and immigrants in need.

The festive season is an important time of year for the firm. It allows the company to look back on its highs and lows, successes and areas of improvement. Such an event was important for increasing motivation amongst the firm’s staff, especially for keeping up the success rate that Chetcuti Cauchi has been maintaining for the past year.


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