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Simplified work permit process for foreign workers launched


With the simplification of the process of the Work Permit Malta, non-EU workers now enjoy the right to commence work in Malta once their application is approved. This means that a foreign worker does not need to wait for the final permit before starting work in Malta because a temporary one is issued for this interim period during which routine checks by the Maltese authorities are conducted.


Malta work permit - simplified process for non-EU workers

The Parliamentary Secretary responsible for citizenship and simplification of administrative processes has announced that the process for non-EU workers to obtain a permit to work in Malta (single permit) will be simplified and shortened. The changes in procedure will allow non-EU workers the right to commence work once their application is approved. The announcement was made by Parliamentary Secretary for Reform, Citizenship and Simplification of Administrative Processes Julia Farrugia Portelli during a meeting with stakeholders on Thursday 12th July and will enter into force on Monday 16th July 2018. 


Changes in the Malta work permit process

This change in the work permit process would mean that a foreign worker would not need to wait for lengthy periods of time upon arrival to wait for the issuance of the permit, but during the time before the final permit is issued, a temporary work permit is given to the applicant upon approval. Applicants will still be required to submit all the necessary documents requested by Identity Malta, as well as their biometrics. The employer of the foreign worker would still need to notify JobsPlus of the prospective appointment. This can be done through an online portal which is to be launched by Identity Malta in the coming days. Employers may use this portal to apply on behalf of the prospective foreign employees prior to them travelling to Malta. 

Routine checks and audits from the Police and JobsPlus would still be carried out on a mandatory basis prior to the approval of the application and the arrival of the prospective worker in Malta. If at any point during the process the requirements to obtain the work permit would not be fulfilled, the process would be terminated, and the permit not issued or revoked. The temporary permit would not be valid for travel purposes.  

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