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The Malta Budget 2021

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Coming at perhaps a volatile period for the economy, with the COVID-19 pandemic persisting through the autumn months, it is expected that tonight’s budget will assist businesses re-grow whilst continuing to generate consumption.


This year, the Budget will be based on three main pillars:

  • Social Soul – It is expected that this year’s budget will continue supporting those in need.
  • Strengthening Employment – Businesses will be given incentives and support to not only strive, but grow in such troubled times.
  • Strengthening the Economy - This Budget will go further than merely focusing on the pandemic and its effects, by boosting the economy to flourish.

Themed as ‘Malta Strongly Moving Forward’ it is being forecast that this Budget will not only target problems caused by COVID-19, but rather it will be setting the scene for a prosperous future for both established businesses and start-ups alike.

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