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UK HNW Immigration 2014

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There has been a huge amount of recent publicity around the Migration Advisory Committees proposals for changes to the Tier 1 (Investor) scheme, which was commented on extensively by the industry. It is likely that the Home Office will change the rules later this year and there will be a significant ongoing debate about how the UK can remain attractive to HNW families while benefitting more from the investments they make.Visas to the Highest Bidder: An eBay culture?Under the proposal, overseas millionaires will be invited to bid for a limited proportion of investor or tier-one UK visas which allow holders and their families to live indefinitely in Britain.A second option would allow visas to be ‘bought’ through donations to hospitals or universities.Global competition for high value migrants is becoming increasingly competitive. The UK needs to maintain its position as a destination of choice and recent proposals to amend the investor visa requirements have been fiercely debated.In response, IBC conferences is delighted to announce its inaugural conference on UK HNW Immigration to bring together leading figures in wealth management, immigration, tax and ancillary advisors, with senior policy keynote speakers.


UK HNW Immigration Conference

Practical Input & Key Issues for International Wealthy Individuals & Families

IBC conferences announces its inaugural conference on UK HNW Immigration to bring together figures in wealth management, immigration, tax and ancillary advisors, with senior policy keynote speakers.


2nd July 2014 – Grange City Hotel, London


Dr Jean Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner at Chetcuti Cauchi will form part of a panel of international experts discussing the topic:

The Global Scene – Competition for HNWs through Residence & Citizenship by Investment Programmes.


Event Programme

8.15       Breakfast Briefing: Non-Doms Investing in UK Businesses

                  Wendy Walton, National Head of Private Client, BDO


9.00       Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Nicolas Rollason Partner, Head of Immigration, KINGSLEY NAPLEY


9.10       Keynote Address

·         Senior Home Office Representative (Under invitation)

·         Sir David Metcalfe, Chair, Migration Advisory Committee (Under invitation)


9.50       What does the UK HNW Immigration System Look Like?

Panel Members:

Ilda de Sousa, Partner Immigration, KINGSLEY NAPLEY LLP

Nicolas Rollason, Partner, KINGSLEY NAPLEY LLP



11.10      Refreshment Break


11.30      Pre Immigration Tax Planning for Tier 1 Investors


Moderated by:

Matthew Duncan, Partner, Head of Private Client, KINGSLEY NAPLEY


Panel Members:

Matthew Duncan, Partner, KINGSLEY NAPLEY LLP

Geoff Goodyear, Senior Partner, LUBBOCK FINE

Jonathan Fisher, Tax Director, BDO

Hazel Johnson, Consultant, MOORE STEPHENS


12.15      Lunch


1.15       Tax Efficient Investments for Resident Non Doms

Panel Members:

James Mulford, Executive Director, UBS WEALTH MANAGEMENT

Irina Phillips, Senior Wealth Planner, LOMBARD ODIER


1.55       The Global Scene - Competition for HNWs through Residence and Citizenship by Investment Programmes


Moderated by:

Laura Devine, Principal, LAURA DEVINE SOLICITORS


Panel Members:

                  Malta: Dr. Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner, CHETCUTI CAUCHI ADVOCATES

Cyprus: Celia Pourgoura, Director, CA ADVOCATES

Portugal: Rosemary de Rougemont, Senior Partner, NDR

St Kitts: Micha-Rose Emmett, Managing Director, CS GLOBAL PARTNERS


2.35       Creative Investments within the Tier 1 Investor scheme


Panel Members:

Stuart Hudson, Partner & Senior Wealth Manager, AAG

Nick Bird, Business Development Director, OCTOPUS INVESTMENTS


3.15       Refreshment Break


3.30       Family issues – Planning for Arriving in the Divorce Capital of the World

Moderated by:

William Healing, Partner, Family, KINGSLEY NAPLEY


Panel Members:

Paul Hodgson, Managing Director, BUTTERFIELD TRUST

Simon Mabey, Partner, SMITH & WILLIAMSON

William Healing, Partner, Family, KINGSLEY NAPLEY LLP

Katie Newbury, Immigration, KINGSLEY NAPLEY LLP


4.10       Real Estate - Buying up Prime UK Property


              Moderated by:

Bethan Owen, Partner, Real Estate, KINGSLEY NAPLEY


Panel Members:

Paul Harbour, Partner, Head of Real Estate, KINGSLEY NAPLEY LLP

Simon Denton, Managing Director, SOVEREIGN GROUP

Jacqueline Kimber, Partner, Business Tax, MOORE STEPHENS

Liam Bailey, Partner, Head of Residential Research, KNIGHT FRANK


4.50       Completing the Puzzle – A Holistic Approach


Panel Members:

Mike Batchelor, Head of Private Office, BROADSTONE


5.30       Chairman’s Summation and Start of Drinks Reception


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