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Double Taxation Relief Order between Malta and Vietnam

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A Double Taxation Relief Order between Malta and Vietnam will help increase global trade and resolve past issues between the Contracting States.


A Double Taxation Agreement has recently been signed between Malta and Vietnam. The Agreement was signed on 15th July 2016, and is to come into force in January 2017

The agreement between Malta and Vietnam shall be applicable to persons who are resident in one of the Contracting States countries and shall cover taxes on income imposed by Malta or Vietnam.  The Vietnam-Malta Order encourages growth of inter-country trade and helps to resolve any issues that may have existed in relation to taxation of passive and active income.

Malta has already entered into more than 70 double-tax treaties with each double tax treaty signed improving and expanding Malta's international trade prospects. The Agreemebt between  Malta and Vietnam is no exception towards helping Malta strengthen its global trade. 

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