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Belgium-Malta Double Taxation Agreement

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The Double Taxation Agreement between Belgium and Malta has been in force since 1976 after being signed in 1974.

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The Double Taxation Agreement between Belgium and Malta has been in force since 1976 after being signed in 1974. A supplementary agreement extending the scope of the double tax treaty was signed in 1993 and came into effect through L.N. 83 of 2003. In 2010 a further amendment was signed amending the former agreement’s provisions on the exchange of information to bring it in line with internationally agreed standards, particularly the OECD Model Tax Convention.  

At the signing of the latest amendment, the Minister of Finance, Dr. Fenech, held that the Agreement enhanced Malta’s double taxation treaty network. He held that this enables Malta to develop trade relations with other countries, attract inward direct investment and serves as an important platform for Maltese residents doing business in the other contracting states. Upon ratification, the amendment would allow the states to request information from each other even if they do not have any domestic interest in such information. Further, the states may oblige each other to supply confidential information

The excellent relationship between Belgium and Malta boasts of cooperation on a bilateral and multilateral level as well as within the context of European Union membership.  Since Malta’s accession to the European Union in 2004, trade links between the two states have developed strongly. Through membership, the Agreement is greatly substantiated by the Parent-Subsidiary Directive and the Interest & Royalties Directive, amongst others. Further, a number of bilateral agreements, including the double taxation agreement and an agreement on reciprocal encouragement and protection of investments sustain the relationship between the two states.  Another agreement relating to police cooperation is pending ratification.

In 2011, local businesses participating in a business delegation to Belgium and the Netherlands reported good prospects and shall be following up on their leads to ensure a positive outcome.  The business delegation was organised by Malta Enterprise with the support of the Maltese Embassies, the Ministry of Finance, the Malta Chamber of Commerce, the General Retailers and Traders Union, the Gozo Chamber of Commerce and FinanceMalta, amongst others.

The Business Forum highlighted trade and investment opportunities in Malta and a Matchmaking event was held in collaboration with the Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI) and the EEN Brussels office.  Companies participating in the business delegation, including those from the financial services, conference and incentives travel, food and beverages and ICT sectors, were assisted to hold one-to-one meetings with Belgian entrepreneurs.


[Full List of Malta Double Taxation Agreements]

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