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Czech Republic-Malta Double Taxation Agreement

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The Double Taxation Agreement signed between the Czech Republic and Malta on the 21st June 1996, came into force in 1997 through L.N. of 1997.



The Double Taxation Agreement signed between the Czech Republic and Malta on the 21st June 1996 came into force in 1997 through L.N. of 1997. The Agreement’s underlying objective of preventing double taxation and combating tax evasion is achieved through a set of allocation rules and capped tax rates. These rates, however, are superseded by the application of EU legislation, particularly as regards the Parent-Subsidiary Directive and the Interest & Royalties Directive.

Diplomatic relations between Malta and the Czech Republic are over forty years old. Today, both states are members of the European Union and share a flourishing relationship enhanced by cooperation at all levels. Cooperation at the international level has been manifested in the reciprocal support given to each other's candidatures to international organizations.  Economic cooperation arises through initiatives such as business seminars and visits by trade delegations organised in Malta and Prague.  A number of Maltese business have already penetrated the hotel industry in Prague and Malta has established itself as an ideal location for financial services, software development and other industrial processes requiring high value added input. 

The relationship between the two states began in July 1982 when the Czech Republic participated at the Malta International Fair.  Mr. Tonio Casapinta was officially confirmed as the Hon Consul in Malta on the in May 1995 and since then the Consulate has endeavoured to promote the Czech Republic in Malta both in political, cultural and economic fields.

The Consulate of the Czech Republic in Malta promotes business relations between the Czech Republic and Malta through CzechTrade. The Czech Trade Promotion Agency is a government institution of the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade which aids Czech exporters to find Maltese business partners, in a bid to assist in the development of mutual trade and industrial co-operation. Malta has for years been a traditional Czech business partner. The Consulate promotes Czech products on the local market and brings Czech and Maltese businessmen together to facilitate business connections with North African Countries through the use of Maltese businessmen as representatives of Czech Companies.

The Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic is in Naxxar while Malta is represented through a Consulate in Prague.

[Full List of Malta Double Taxation Agreements]


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