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EU Blue Card


Non-EU nationals are entitled to enter and reside in Malta for the purpose of highly qualified employment under Directive Council Directive 2009/50/EC.


Non-EU citizens may apply for a Blue Card to enter, reside and work in Malta for the purpose of Highly Qualified Employment under the conditions of entry and residence as set out in the Highly Qualified Employment Regulations.The EU Blue Card is a European work permit allowing highly skilled non-EU citizens to work and live in any country within the EU, excluding Denmark, Ireland and the UK.

EU Blue Card - Legal Basis

The EU Blue Card Directive 2009/50/EC of the 25th May 2009 was transposed into Maltese Law by virtue of Legal Notice 433 of 2011 entitled the 'Conditions of Entry and Residence of Third-Country Nationals for the purpose of Highly Qualified Employment Regulations. The scope of these regulations is to determine the conditions of entry and residence for more than three months in the territory of EU member states of third country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified employment as EU Blue Card holders.

An EU Blue Card issued under these regulations shall entitle its holder the rights to reside and work in Malta, and also the right to enter, re-enter and stay in the territory of the Member State issuing the EU Blue Card.

EU Blue Card - Eligibility

An individual is eligible to apply for an EU Blue Card under these regulations if he satisfies the following conditions: 

  • The contract of employment or statement shall show that the gross annual salary, resulting from the monthly or annual salary specified in the employment contract or statement, shall not be inferior to a relevant salary threshold defined and published for that purpose by Malta, which shall be at least 1.5 times the average gross annual salary in Malta;
  • For unregulated professions, the applicant shall present the documents attesting the relevant higher professional qualifications in the occupation or sector specified in the contract of employment or statement containing the conditions of employment;
  • The applicant shall provide evidence of a Health Insurance cover.;
  • The applicant shall provide evidence of an address in Malta;
  • The applicant shall not be considered to pose a threat to public policy, public security or public health.

Our Residency Service

Applications for the EU Blue Card are to be made to and processed by Identity Malta. Chetcuti Cauchi Advisors Ltd assists in the compilation and submission of applications for an EU Blue Card. We believe in adopting a holistic approach to cover all aspects of the move and relieve the client from the stress of abiding to statutory requirements. Assuming a personal approach, our award winning team ensures that our clients are left at peace to concentrate on making Malta their new homestead. 

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