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Germany-Malta Double Taxation Agreement

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The Germany-Malta Double Tax Agreement has been in force since 2002, part of a long-standing track record of healthy business relations.


Germany and Malta have a long-standing track record of good business relations. German-Maltese relations are wide-ranging, reflecting both political and economic events and the role played by the two countries within the European Union. There are currently three bilateral economic agreements in force between the two states, an Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, in force since 1975, an Air Transport Agreement, in force since 1997 and a Double Taxation Agreement, in force since 2001. In 2010, a new protocol regarding information exchange and transparency was added to the double taxation agreement. Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said the aim of the protocol was to combat tax avoidance and evasion in line with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development recommendations.

Malta has become a prime hub for German investment in the Mediterranean, particularly in the pharmaceutical and financial services sectors. On the other hand, Germany is one of Malta’s major trading partners.  An approximate number of 100 German companies are currently registered in Malta. Exports to Germany total around €261 million annually for the past five years and imports amount to €271 million.

Germany’s prominent position as a business partner is also attested by the frequent events and initiatives being undertaken by Malta Enterprise towards enhancing business relations between the two countries. Maltese enterprises are increasingly becoming present in some of the major German fairs, such as CEBIT in Hanover, and these events are being utilised also as business brokerage opportunities. Hence the importance of the Malta - Germany Doube Tax Agreement. Malta Enterprise, in conjunction with our Hon. Consuls across Germany, regularly organise business workshops which frequently bring together our enterprises and the local Chambers of Commerce (IHKs).

A German-Maltese Business Council was formed towards the end of 2010, following a dialogue between the Malta Chamber and the German Embassy in Malta about the need for a new entity which would support business relations between Malta and Germany. The Council’s goal is to promote, facilitate and enhance business exchanges between Malta and Germany by being the focal point for businesses, organizations and other stakeholders and by creating a solid and viable network of individuals with a common interest in achieving this goal.

[Full List of Malta Double Taxation Agreements]

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