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Malta holds bilateral discussions with India and United States

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In line with its internationalisation process, Malta has continued to streghten further its relation with India and United States.Malta and India have signed an agreement on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion, whilst the US government expressed desire to develop closer economic and commercial ties with the island...


Malta holds bilateral discussions with India and United States


In line with its internationalisation process, Malta has continued to streghten further its relation with India and United States.

Durig a visit of India's Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur, Malta and India have signed an agreement on avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion. This agreement is aimed at providing an institutional framework which facilitates greater trade and economic exchanges between India and Malta.

Both countries expressed satisfaction at the excellent bilateral relations as well as good cooperation in the UN, EU and commonwealth. Although trade and investment between the two countries had witnessed significant growth, both countries have exressed agreement that there is great potential for further trade, in particular in the ICT, Pharmaceuticals, Finance, research & Development, as well as other fast-growing sectors. india's interest in the energy and hydrocarbons sectors was highlighted in the meetings. To this end the two countries will shortly be setting up a joint commission and business council for further discussions at the technical level on visa facilitation, trade agreements and coorepation in the fields of science, technology, and education.

India and Malta have had a Double Taxation Agreement in force since february 1995 and have renegociated the agreement to bring in the line with international standards, change in domestic law and the changed economic senario.

During her visit, India's minister of State for External Affairs visited the International Maritime law Institute and discussed the possibility of closer cooperation in the area of Maritime and Shipping since both India and Malta are strong maritime nations.

During a separate visit to Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech, US Ambassador for Malta Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley expressed the US Government's desire to keep improving relations with Malta by developing closer economic and commercial ties. Both parties discussed various areas of mutual interest such as energy, harbour regeneration, tourism, technology, the maritime industry, international education campuses and pecialised services such as iGaming. he discussio focussed also on the potential that US investors use Malta as hub for their manufacturing services in the EU and the Arab World.














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