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The Malta Family Business Act: a World First


MALTA FAMILY BUSINESS ACT - a world first family business legislaton - a significant section of many economies, making up 35 per cent ofbusinesses in Switzerland, 80 per cent in Malta and 90 per cent in Turkey. In recent years Maltese legislation has emerged that focuses on supporting small businesses, such as the Small Business Act, but this has not addressed the challenges faced by family businesses in the 21st century. This, however, is set to change, as Malta is gearing up to enact the Malta Family Business Act.


Setting the Scene for Family Businesses

FAMILY BUSINESSES CONSTITUTE a significant section of many economies, making up 35 per cent of businesses in Switzerland, 80 per cent in Malta and 90 per cent in Turkey. In recent years Maltese legislation has emerged that focuses on supporting small businesses, such as the Small Business Act, but this has not addressed the challenges faced by family businesses in the 21st century. This, however, is set to change, as Malta is gearing up to enact the Malta Family Business Act - a first in the world.

Challenges of Family Businesses

Maltese family businesses face many challenges, including governance issues that hamper the professional management; high tax costs and cash flow problems associated with their transfers; and the potentially sudden and crippling shift from one generation to another. The Maltese Income Tax Act exempts capital gains on transfers immovable property, shares, businesses, goodwill and intellectual property only in the case of a donation between family members, as defined therein.
The transferee is liable for stamp duty and is afforded no exemption. At 5 per cent, stamp duty acts as a major disincentive to family members, as this is reduced to 2 per cent only for transfers of marketable securities.

Malta Family Business Association

Against this backdrop, the Malta Association of Family Enterprises (MAFE) was set up in 2011 to offer education and training to family businesses in Malta. MAFE also provides a voice for the family-business sector and works with stakeholders at a national and international level. MAFE has found support with both government and opposition and its work has culminated in a governmental pledge to legislate a Family Business Act by early 2014.

Family Business Act

MAFE has suggested that the Family Business Act introduce provisions that seek to overcome the three main challenges family businesses currently face. The first initiative looks to introduce a much-awaited definition of 'family business' and to provide a framework for gathering and analysing data relevant to this sector. This will serve as a basis for better understanding family businesses and will help to determine eligibility for special benefits bestowed on family business by the Act.
The second proposal seeks to create a fiscal framework for the reduction or deferral of taxes applicable at the transfer of shares inter vivos or causa mortis between generations of business families, or the extension of exemptions already applicable for transfers in the case of non-resident shareholders.
The third proposal aims to provide public co-funding of training and consultancy in family and business governance, and succession planning for qualifying family businesses, family members and employees.
The eligibility rules proposed by MAFE are intended to limit the benefits contemplated above to ‘eligible family businesses’, that is, family businesses that have taken reasonable identifiable steps in the direction of proper governance and succession planning, as encouraged by the Family Business Act.

Opportunities for International Family Businesses

At an international level, Malta provides a family-friendly environment for business governance and wealth management, complimented by a legal framework and professional infrastructure for the management of trusts and companies. The Trusts and Trustees Act and Malta's law on

foundations provide flexible tools for asset protection and the running of family businesses on an international scale. Furthermore, Malta's favourable tax environment includes the absence of withholding taxes on dividends, royalties and interests, as well as tax exemptions for dividend income and capital gains arising on the transfer of participating holdings. A similar exemption also applies to stamp duty otherwise applicable on the acquisition of shares in Maltese companies.

Malta has clearly established itself as an attractive platform for family-business governance and family-office management. The enactment of the upcoming Family Business Act will hopefully ensure that family businesses prosper.

Related: STEP Journal: Kin Win: World First Family Business Legislation

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